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existing finance customers.

Financial services complaints
MINI Financial Services, a trading name of BMW Financial Services (GB) Limited, is committed to providing products and service of the highest standard. If for any reason you feel we have not lived up to your expectations or you are not entirely satisfied with any aspect of our service please let us know. The information shown below provides a brief overview of how we deal with complaints, our customer complaints process and where to direct any complaints.
MINI Financial Services will investigate all complaints competently, diligently and impartially obtaining additional information as necessary. Every complaint will be assessed fairly, consistently and promptly taking into account all relevant factors to ensure a fair outcome for the customer.

HOW to complain about your Finance agreement
If you would like to make a complaint in relation to a MINI Finance Agreement, please contact:
Customer Services Department
MINI Financial Services
Summit ONE
Summit Avenue
GU14 0FB
Email: customer.services@minifs.co.uk
Telephone 0370 5050 123
Our lines are open 8:00am - 7.00pm Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 5.00pm on Saturdays and will be charged at local rate. The price of calls may vary with other telephone service providers. Please check with your provider for exact charges.
What you will need to provide.
To help us investigate and try to resolve your complaint, please provide us with the following information:
- your name and address;
- your agreement number, if you have one;
- details of how we can contact you;
- a clear description of your complaint;
- details of what you would like us to do to rectify the situation;
- and if appropriate, copies of any relevant supporting documentation.

Our Procedures.
We will do our best to resolve your complaint quickly, and will send you a Summary Resolution Letter if your complaint is resolved by close of the third business day following receipt of your complaint; or
- within 5 working days, provide a written acknowledgement of your complaint and give you the details of who is handling the case and how to contact them,
- keep you updated on the progress of your complaint, and
- within 8 weeks of receiving your complaint, we will either:
- write to you with our final response and the reasons for providing this response, or
- explain why we are not in a position to give you a final response and let you know when we expect to be able to provide it, and
- in each case provide you with the contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service.
If you are still not happy.
If you are still dissatisfied with either:
- our response, or
- the reasons for any delay in providing our final response within eight weeks from the day we received your complaint
You can usually ask the Financial Ombudsman Service for an indepenent review.
To be able to ask them for an independent review you must have given us the opportunity to find a resolution first and you must be:
- a private individual, or
- a business, charity or trust with an annual turnover of less than 2 million euros and fewer than 10 employees
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
Telephone: 0300 123 9123
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk
MINI Financial Services is a member of the Finance and Leasing Association (the FLA). If you are not happy with our final response and would like to refer your complaint to the FLA’s conciliation scheme, you may phone the FLA on 020 7836 6511 or find the information you will need at www.fla.org.uk.
The FLA will try to conciliate (help you reach an agreement with us). The FLA can’t award any compensation. You will not be entitled to use the FLA conciliation scheme if your complaint has been decided by the Financial Ombudsman Service or a court.

How to Complain about your Insurance Policy.
For details of how to make a complaint in relation to your MINI insurance, please select the appropriate insurance product and policy document.